IBM’s Trip to Become A Socially Integrated Enterprise

Over the last couple of weeks there have been a number of rather interesting and insightful blog posts that have been covering IBM’s journey to become a social business. A journey that started back in 2001, but that it had its main roots well substantiated within the company for much longer. Interestingly enough, when everyone … Continue reading IBM’s Trip to Become A Socially Integrated Enterprise

9 Ways To Increase Your Productivity While Working From Home

I have been working as a remote knowledge (Web) worker for the last 9 years in two different countries and four different business units in one single organisation and I guess that, at this point in time, I wouldn’t have it any other way. Specially, thanks, amongst several other reasons, to the flexibility and freedom … Continue reading 9 Ways To Increase Your Productivity While Working From Home

5 Reasons Why Activity Streams Will Save You From Information Overload

I heart Activity Streams. I mean, I *love* them to bits! From the very first beginning that I got exposed to them over at Twitter, over 4 years ago, till today, where I am using a bunch of various different microblogging / microsharing services, both internal and external, I couldn’t work, nor get much done!, … Continue reading 5 Reasons Why Activity Streams Will Save You From Information Overload

A World Without Email — Year 3, Weeks 24 to 28 (Email Is Where Knowledge Goes to Die – The Presentation)

It has been a while now since the last progress report I have shared over here around the topic of living “A World Without Email“, that experiment that has been going on for over 2.5 years now, where one day I decided to give up on corporate email altogether and, instead, make heavier use of … Continue reading A World Without Email — Year 3, Weeks 24 to 28 (Email Is Where Knowledge Goes to Die – The Presentation)

Enterprise 2.0 Conference Highlights – Finally, Decent Internet Access

As mentioned in yesterday’s blog post, I’m now ready to start sharing with you folks a number of different articles that I have been drafting together over the last few weeks around the topic of some of the major highlights from the recent Enterprise 2.0 conference event I attended in Boston, MA in mid-June. Like … Continue reading Enterprise 2.0 Conference Highlights – Finally, Decent Internet Access