Smart Work for a Smarter Planet. I’m an IBMer, Too!

6 thoughts on “Smart Work for a Smarter Planet. I’m an IBMer, Too!”

    1. Hi Andy! Thanks a bunch for dropping by, my friend! Specially when I can see how busy you have been all along throughout the event! I have been following your tweets, as well as those from other fellow colleagues and surely feel envious for not being there!

      And I could surely share that proud moment with you while the video was on the main screen on working for the same company! One of those precious moments that make events like IMPACT 2009 worth while attending!

      Thanks for sharing your experiences with us! Way cool!

  1. Luis,
    I am still waiting for the how we do it, who we use for it, where we can do it.
    the smart website does not lead to any actionable item.
    Just my 2 cents.
    By the way i liked this video over some others. but you still can’t you get kristen to smile though )

    1. Hi Keith! You bring in plenty of great points with those comments and must admit that all along I think the main key is going to be not relying on the technology nor the processes to make it happen, but on the people themselves; people willing to change things, habits, corporate cultures, adopting new models of engagement, new ways of exploring technology just beyond the next quarter and more in the medium and long term; those insights which will eventually have that necessary impact.

      It is happening with a bunch of different initiatives and projects currently on the way, but this is not something just being pushed by one business; the corporate world needs to come to terms with the fact that it’s now the time to make a difference, not only for themselves, but also for the world they try to “help”. Now is the perfect time for that “call to action” in the current econolypse we are living where things must go into the next level: one where caring for the environment, for ourselves and what we do will be the norm. Otherwise, it just doesn’t have a point to sustain itself…

      Yes, I agree with you on that one, too! She is just far too serious! 😉 heh

      1. I agree with you about not relying on technology. The problem is you and I are in a world where everyone has ideas, some better others not so practical, but we have them.
        Other people in the world just don’t have the ideas, so I was looking for where a college person, or one of the millions out of work, can sign up for this and work on the process.

        The premise then of the campaign, as I see it from your description, is to tell people what IBM or some other businesses are doing…yet I am an IBMer is the close tag line.

        So it still seems like IBM telling, not collaborating or truly becoming one with customers which is what social networking is about. You want to bring about change? Open up, smile some more, stop being so nebulous like the mythical Cloud.

        Which is why I am still looking for the signup link.
        Work with us, don’t tell us, we get told things everyday, no one listens anymore to what you are saying if you are telling. Note to myself remember this in client meeting tomorrow.

        Keep posting!

  2. Luis, thanks for sharing this — I had missed it in Andy’s stream. Either way, a great video — very cool to see some familiar faces!

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