Giving Up on Instant Messaging

7 thoughts on “Giving Up on Instant Messaging”

  1. Thanks a lot, Alec, for the pingback and for dropping by over at my weblog elsua. Indeed, I can certainly relate to what you have mentioned above. In fact, I, too, have been trying Gizmo Project for a couple of months now and although at the beginning my experiences with it were very good things have become a bit strange since it takes quite some time to log me in, whenever it can, because in most cases if I try to connect five times four of those it would fail with an error message. (Quick Update: while I was trying to comment on your weblog post I launched Gizmo Project again, it auto-updated itself and it allowed me to log in straight through again !)

    I have been keeping up to date with the new releases but the problems seem to be persistent, so in the end I decided to move to other, more robust tools in my case, like the ones I mentioned over in my weblog. And so far I haven’t encountered a single problem. Maybe it is the time again to give another try to Gizmo Project. Hopefully, this time around it will work as it is supposed to. And as such it would be added to my current list of VoIP tools.

  2. Thanks a lot, Cesar, for the pingback ! I must say that after having read your weblog post and, specially, Rocky’s, I am not surprised about what happened. These days it is very difficult to find an IM client that may not have been hacked in the past and given the fact that ICQ has been in market for so long I am just not surprised at all. I, too, have got a very low number, I probably got it about 7 years ago, but it has probably been months since last time I tried to log in and it would not be too strange if I could no longer access it. Either way, and pretty much like Rocky I guess I have been looking for something else than just IM and the combination of VoIP and IM tools seem to be the good match now. At least, so far and since I got started using those VoIP / IM tools I have yet to encounter the first security exposure. I know they might come at some point but so far so good. Let’s see for how long. Again, thanks for the pingback !

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