Restoring the Human in Humanity by Simon Sinek

8 thoughts on “Restoring the Human in Humanity by Simon Sinek”

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  2. Thanks for this post and the video, Luis. I love his talks. Like the one about asking why.
    I’m wondering what the implications of this is for the size of companies. We need more human interaction, says Sinek. Doesn’t this imply we need smaller organizations? Organizations that reckon with the Dunbar number for instance. I know of a Dutch business man who split his companies when they grew bigger than 100-150 employees (which is the Dunbar number…). Because when they grew bigger people didn’t know and trust each other anymore, bureaucracy grows, etc. They split, like Sinek says.
    Or can large companies work only if they go podular, like Dave Gray says?

    1. Hi Samuel! Thanks a lot for the feedback and for that lovely recommendation on that other presentation from Simon! Perfect timing for the upcoming weekend to go and digest it! Thanks much! 🙂

      That’s a very interesting perception and I can imagine that’s one trend that’s going to modulate how we would interact as organisations. To be honest, except for the odd multination, large enterprise biz out there, I think we are going to start witnessing how more and more biz are going to shrink to the point where they are going to become much smaller in size. Plenty of large businesses are starting to think about optimising their workforce and reducing them significantly converting those knowledge workers into freelancers, which means organisations will become a lot smaller, a lot more focused. And we are going to witness the creation massive networks of freelances shifting work amongst themselves that are going to help balance the traditional concept of an organisation.

      That’s happening already, and I suspect it will help transform the way we interact and redefine the workplace of the future. Podular sounds like a rather interesting interim solution while we reach that giant ecosystem of networks mixing and mingling with one another into smaller, more permissive, transient sets of interactions 🙂

  3. There are several things that resonate for me in the video. First Milgram. 40 years ago, concluding his Ascent of Man series Jacob Bronowski, alluding to these experiments, declares that we have to “close the distance between the push button order and the human act. We have to touch people.”

    A couple of years ago, I recall when first diagnosed with leukaermia saying to those treating me that I coped mentally by focussing on something bigger than myself. That was and is, an approach to business with a primary focus of human beings, an economics for humanity.

  4. It is the issue of our collective impact, through doing business which takes us to a fundamental predicate for a new approach to business where no human is disposable. In the core argument for this ‘people centered’ approach it was reasoned that money imagined into existence as debt, threatened the lives of those least able to compete. It leads to a proposal for business with a primary social objective.

  5. Hi Luiz, Hope everything is fine? I found a link back to your fantastic blog post and it’s like the circle is closing. I was suggested reading the linked article in your blog post. The Why and purpose related to trust is what attracts me. I can also assure that the presence you always showed during the IBM IQ Ambassadors meetings gave a strong impact on me and it has nothing to do with the size of a company. It’s about the people! I also think that IBM’s values also created trust and the IBM culture which got people to feel as they belonged to something bigger than themselves.

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