Situational Leadership in the Era of Open Business

9 thoughts on “Situational Leadership in the Era of Open Business”

  1. I believe you are a bit confused as to what Situational Leadership is. It is a behavioral model developed by Dr. Paul Hersey with help from Dr. Ken Blanchard. The term is trademarked, the model, copyrighted. Your use of the term here is confusing to readers. May I suggest you visit

    Best regards,


    1. Hi Randy, thanks a lot for taking the time to drop by and share that very helpful feedback comment. I was not aware that the term was trademarked and copyrighted. I should have double checked that one, versus just quoting it, and glad you have pointed me in the right direction to reference the right resources, add the copyright and set the record straight. I very much appreciate it.

      I have now taken a look into the original blog post and have corrected the paragraphs themselves adding the references and the copyrights accordingly. Please do have a look and let me know if you think it’d still be confusing for readers and I’ll be more than happy to re-adjust it again, or perhaps remove the reference altogether.

      Thanks again for the feedback. Again, much appreciated.

  2. Luis, I am happy to have met you and glad I helped out a little. Situational Leadership is an amazing model of how best to meet the needs o the people you lead. I find it amazing that it seems more relevant today that ever before. Your blog is great. I wish you great success!

    1. Hi Randy, oh, thank you!. I really appreciate you taking the time to drop by and help me update the blog post more accurately to describe Situational Leadership. I first got exposed to it earlier in the year at a conference in Prague and glad I now got the full context of where it fits in, specially, in today’s more complex world than ever.

      One of my favourite key concepts about it is Adaptability not just to the environment, but also to the various different complex interactions, as you well expressed above in terms of helping leaders best meet the needs of the people they lead.

      In the world of social networking in a business context, that’s just huge!! So very glad you pointed me in the right direction and I very much appreciate that.

      Thanks ever so much and have a good one as well!

  3. Nice post Luis.. I agree 100% That the key skill is adaptability from the leader in question. If For example they don’t understand the basic concepts of hyper connectedness and learning at the speed of need, that Might mean Leaders will not be able to be fully involved with their direct reports lives, Therefore missing out on opportunities to remove obstacles and help people grow. One approach to that is what I like to call “in the moment communication”Therefore be present when needed not just physically but to be effective in supporting others. And One key ActionView that can make or break this breakthrough in leadership is resilience, because understanding the new notion of work or what we now call “the future of work” is not easy, And people sometimes easily give up on trying to understand that notion or simply don’t turn to others for help fearing of being Judged. And I can also add that having a high emotional and social quotient does help the leader adapt to every situation they face when called to support

    The shift in leadership approach is very gradual and the rhythm of change is not the same for every leader in question. Thanks again for sharing this post…

    1. Hi Ralph, thanks a lot for dropping by and for the great comments and glad you brought into the mix the concept of resilience, because along with adaptability we are well on our way to help shift the traditional role of management into that one of leadership. Really nice!

      Also, very interesting to notice from your commentary the need for leaders to be closer to their constituents exercising on something that most people take for granted, but that, on its own, it has got huge power: listening AND acting accordingly, from the perspective of that closer contact with knowledge workers to understand better their work, but also to identify how they could get additional help when and where needed.

      Alas, feeling that far too many managers and leaders nowadays, all the way to the top, spend too little time and too badly to be where their employees are attentive of what’s happening and to act where it may be relevant, and it shows, obviously, in terms of the % of disengaged employees in the corporate environment at the moment.

      Lots of hard work still ahead if we would want to shift gears and help leaders adapt to a new wave of thinking, connecting, and leading their teams!

      Thanks again for dropping by and for the feedback! Much appreciated, as usual.

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