Swisscom: Main Reason Why I Will Never Stay in an NH-Hotel. Ever!

In March, if you would still remember, I put together a blog post where I mentioned how it was about time for me to start putting a stop to the constant rip-off and the many frustrations that have become more and more evident by the day, when trying to stay connected, while I’m travelling on … Continue reading Swisscom: Main Reason Why I Will Never Stay in an NH-Hotel. Ever!

Manifesto by Dave Pollard

You know, there are times in one’s life when you bump into one of those articles written by someone who you have followed, and admired, for a long while already that really gets you to no end, giving you shivers up your spine, provoking some of the most delightfully disturbing feelings inside you that you … Continue reading Manifesto by Dave Pollard

The Web in Twenty

A few days back my good friend, and fellow IBM colleague, Aneel Lakhani, tagged me on an on-going meme that’s been going around for a little while now called "The Web in Twenty" where participants have to eventually provide answers to three different questions: How has the Web changed your life? How has the Web … Continue reading The Web in Twenty