Reflections on Blogging and Real Life Distractions

2 thoughts on “Reflections on Blogging and Real Life Distractions”

  1. Luis, I agree that my blog is an outlet for my voice, and I don’t ever want to silence mine either. Hope I stay motivated to blog, too, after doing it fairly actively for ~3 years. This year, I’ve reduced the number as I’ve increased the number of tweets, and as I’ve been busy with full-time work and my part-time Master’s, but there’s nothing more soothing in the social media realm, really, than spending a luxurious amount of time with my blog.

    1. Hi Sarah! Many thanks for the feedback comments and for dropping by! I absolutely agree with you that having a blog where you could air some of your thoughts and share them across with other folks is as good as it gets, with regards to social computing interactions; it helps keep up learning something new every day and reflect on things from different angles and although some times we may run out of the writing muse, there is always a chance to come back!

      I have been blogging for nearly 7 years now and I must confess that my writing muse seems to stick around all along, because, if anything, I got tons of draft blog posts that I would want to share, but for which I just don’t have the physical time to do it! That’s why I keep a local file with all of those blog posts hoping that over time some of them may see the light, but certainly there is no lack of inspiration. Quite the contrary! So you can imagine how there are a few posts already piled up for me to share over here… hehe

      Thanks again for highlight the importance of having such voice out there on the Web and hope to speak with you soon! 😀

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