Some time ago you would remember how I actually created a weblog post on a service I am quite enjoying at the moment to get the content from both of my Internet weblogs (And, as a result, also from my Intranet weblog, too) to talk to one another through web syndication: Feeddigest – Making Your Feeds Fabulous. With Feeddigest I no longer need to create double posts for both weblogs, they just talk to one another and you can see that directly in the weblog template from elsua. However, there is a new offering out there that just came available and which I think is going to provide some really nice functionality along those same lines. It is called Feedo Style and you can find it over here.
If you are interested in how it actually works Techcrunch has got an interesting, worth while reading, review of it with which I would probably not need to add anything else at this point in time. Perhaps a quick summary to indicate how Feedo Style allows you to syndicate any kind of web site, including weblogs, directly into your own web site, or weblog, and using the same fancy format as news stickers, which could certainly help you spice up your weblog template by sharing the feeds from your favourite blogroll links you may be having at the moment and let the world know what you are reading in a very powerful way.
Bill Ives, just this morning, was commenting how useful such an offering could well be for spreading the word around directly from your own weblog about the resources you case about and he was wondering what kind of use he could be making of such tool and right away I thought about something that would be worth while mentioning. At least, for me. And it is working quite nicely.
Two of the Knowledge Management feeds that I am subscribed to, and perhaps worth while mentioning as part of the KM Awareness resources, are Planet KM and the group feed from Knowledge Management in Blogdigger. Both feeds will provide you with a whole bunch of single KM feeds from various weblogs, including both of my Internet weblogs, and all of that integrated into a single RSS newsfeed that you can subscribe to and get all of that content in a single place, instead of having to subscribe to multiple places. Pretty interesting and very easy to follow up on.
And now, perhaps, even better. Because I have gone into Feedo Style and have created two single entries for both of them: one for Planet KM and the other one for Blogdigger’s Knowledge Management and have created a couple of dynamic news stickers, already available in elsua‘s weblog template (On the right column and just underneath the Flickr badge), from where you can read the contents of both of those feeds without even having to subscribe to them. At the same time if you would want to check out what else people are talking about regarding KM out there in the Blogosphere it would be a good place to get you started with as well.
So far, and during all this time that I have been having those up and running, I have enjoyed the experience of just checking out my weblog for whatever the comments that people may have left or while just preparing another weblog posts, and at the same time I get to see what everyone else has been weblogging about so far. Pretty nice and quite impressive if you would want to stay in touch with some of what has been mentioned lately about KM out there in the Blogosphere. I think that Feedo Style is one of those tools that I am surely going to enjoy quite a bit, pretty much like Feeddigest, thus I can certainly recommend it to other folks who would want to link their web sites to others through web syndication and rather painless. It took me a bit under 5 minutes to set up both news stickers and it all worked like a charm. Worth while a try for sure !
Technorati Tags: Knowledge Management, KM, Feedo Style, Feeddigest, Web Syndication, RSS Feeds,