No, this time around I am not going to start this weblog with the famous “Hello World !” sentence either. Pretty much like I did with LSR, when I first got started into the Internet weblogging phenomenon back in April this year, I am just going to say “Welcome to elsua !” As most of you already know, my name is Luis and this is my new weblog. I have been maintaining LSR for a bit over six months and now that I am done with that experiment I think it is time I get started with a new challenge: that is, a new weblog hosted and maintained by myself and called
As I go ahead and start sharing some more content you will notice that in this weblog I am going to continue weblogging about the stuff that I have been weblogging all about during all this time: Learning & Knowledge, Communities, Collaboration, Online Facilitation, Social Networking, Work-Life Balance and a whole bunch of stuff going from photography, to travelling to whatever comes to my mind at that very moment. In short, my own personal weblog.
As you have noticed I am actually hosting my weblog in my own domain: and this is going to be a new exciting experience that I am hoping I will be able to share with you all. I am new to some of the stuff that I will be dealing with but I am sure it will work out in the end. For the time being just bear with me while I tailor the WordPress template and update it to match the look and feel I would be comfortable with. There are lots of things that I need to update and to add, so it is going to take a bit of time. And then another task I also need to get busy with is the migration of the weblog content from LSR into
Indeed, there are a number of different weblog posts that I am still very keen on keeping them in my active weblog so over time I am going to move those over here and continue from there. Also as you probably know by now already, I maintain an Intranet weblog in the company that I work for and I am planning to copy across some of that content that I have been sharing for nearly two years now.
So with all that said, I just wanted to let you know that I am up and running, after a couple of days of setting and tweaking things up here in my new weblog. Welcome aboard and hope you enjoy the ride just as much as I do ! Welcome to !
And, finally, I am going to leave you with one of my favourite quotes of all times from one of my favourite authors, which also explains a bit why I am here, starting this weblog … “We must decide what to do with the time that is given to us!“
4 thoughts on “Welcome to elsua !”