Upgrading Performancing For FireFox 1.1: Roller Integration and a Few Other Things

Earlier on today I got the headsup from Jed (Thanks a lot for the feedback comments, by the way ! Good stuff !) indicating that the upgraded version of Performancing for FireFox is readily available for those folks who may be brave enough to give it a try. Of course, I had to give it … Continue reading Upgrading Performancing For FireFox 1.1: Roller Integration and a Few Other Things

Making Sense of Social Bookmarking Offerings – del.icio.us vs. BlinkList

Yesterday evening Mike (Thanks, Mike, and welcome to elsua!), one of the folks behind BlinkList, shared over at Web Links and Thoughts To Revisit the following comment that I thought was worth while a reply to on a separate weblog post to provide some further insights: “Why use so many social bookmarking services and what … Continue reading Making Sense of Social Bookmarking Offerings – del.icio.us vs. BlinkList