A couple of days back you will remember how I put together a blog post on the topic of "Defining Knowledge Management and Enterprise 2.0 — Sharing Your Story", where I was mentioning how we would probably be much better off focusing on sharing (our) stories rather than trying to spend our time coming up with the ultimate definition of either Knowledge Management or Enterprise 2.0, for that matter. More than anything else, because I think we would learn plenty more from those stories shared, on whatever the topic, than just plain definitions. That particular blog post probably touched a nerve, or two, based on the amazing and wonderful bunch of insightful comments that people have been leaving so far.
Now, I am surely going to respond to those various comments, to keep adding further up into the conversation, but, first, I thought I would share with you a very interesting YouTube video that I bumped into in one of my all-time favourite KM related blogs. Actually, if you are into a stories, narrative, sensemaking and "putting stories to work", it is probably one of the best resources available out there. Yes I’m talking about Anecdote, the fine blog by Mark Schenk and my good friend Shawn Callahan.
Actually, it was Shawn himself the one who shared a quick blog entry referencing that video. And, like I said, if you are into sharing stories and getting the most value out of them (After all, that’s what a bunch of people have been saying all along on what social computing is all about: sharing stories), you need to watch it. It’s a video clip that lasts for early nearly 3 1/2 minutes featuring NPR’s Scott Simon who gets to share a whole bunch of tips on something as simple as "How to tell a story".
Yes, I’m sure, at this point in time you may be wondering what the fuss is all about on sharing stories. I mean, anyone can do that, right? Well, yes, we all know how to tell stories, but Scott actually shares plenty of really powerful tips on how to do a better job at telling stories. And believe me, he won’t disappoint you. It is just a brilliant piece that all storytellers should watch, because I am sure folks will be able to learn a thing or two. Or plenty more!
This is one of those video clips that not only is it truly inspiring, but certainly will make you think the next time you would want to share a story with an audience. It is that good!
The direct link to the YouTube video is here, and, just in case, that you may want to watch it right away here is the embedded version:
Pretty amazing, don’t you think? From here I just want to take this opportunity to thank Shawn for sharing the blog post with a link to the video. It certainly made my week! I just couldn’t help sharing it! Hope it will do the same thing for you! Thanks ever so much, Shawn, for sharing this lovely find across! Just brilliant!
Tags: Definitions, Social Business, Stories, Sharing Stories, Storytelling, Narrative, Business Value, Case Studies, Business Cases, Enterprise 2.0, Social Software, Social Networking, Social Computing, Social Media, Collaboration, Communities, Learning, Knowledge Sharing, KM, Knowledge Management, Innovation, Networking, Social Networks, Conversations, Dialogue, Communication, Connections, Relationships, Productivity, Anecdote, Mark Schenk, Shawn Callahan, Sensemaking, NPR, Scott Simon, YouTube, Videos