Arriving in Charming Budapest

11 thoughts on “Arriving in Charming Budapest”

  1. Welcome to Budapest… have a good time in this great city. I enjoy reading your blog, and I’m happy to welcome you here.
    Greetings from a fellow IBMer in Hungary 🙂

  2. Hi folks! Thanks a bunch for dropping by and for the feedback comments ! Welcome to elsua!

    Thanks, Maureen, for the kind comments! Yes, indeed, they are gorgeous and I just feel sorry that I do not have a much better digital camera to take some more stunning shots to make this city justice for how beautiful and charming it is. Hopefully, during the course of the week I would be able to share some more!

    Zsolt, excellent stuff ! Thanks much for dropping by and for reading further! If you are going to be around in the next 30 minutes where I will be speaking at the event around KM, Collaboration, Community Building and Social Networking, please do drop by and say “Hi!”. Would love the chance to meet up with you and have a nice chat along the way! Hope to see you there!

    Thanks again for the feedback and will be back later!

  3. Unfortunately I didn’t have a chance to be at the meeting and meet you in person… in fact, I’m living in a different city (Szekesfehervar – don’t even try to say it 🙂 )… Nevertheless, great to have you here, and enjoy the rest of your stay

  4. Hola Luis, muy buenos recuerdos me trae esta ciudad.
    Estuve hace bastantes años, venia de la ex-Yugoeslavia cuando todavia no se habian peleado entre ellos, pase la frontera, todo esto tirando de una carabana con un Golf GTI, me quede sin gasolina, etc, etc, en fin, cuando uno es joven se hacen cosas asi.
    Un saludo y pasatelo bien por ahi

  5. Thanks again, Zsolt, for the feedback comments! Sorry that you couldn’t make it over here for the event. It would have been terrific to be able to meet up with you while attending this event. I guess it will have to be at some other time, but we will eventually meet up, I am sure! Thanks again for dropping by and for the feedback!

    Hola Martin! Gracias por los comentarios y por dejarte caer por aquí. Desde luego que aquellos eran otros tiempos y el espíritu de aventura te hacía llegar a sitios insospechados. No me imagino a mi mismo pasando por la misma experience que comentas arriba. Pero desde luego que de momento estoy disfrutando como un enano, aunque una pena que la conexión a Internet sea tan erática y demás porque todos los comentarios que quería compartir tanto aquí como a través de mi cuenta en Twitter (httpp:// no han pasado de esa idea: compartirlos con la gente que me lee aquí. Tendrá que ser más tarde cuando pueda recuperar un poco de la “normalidad”. Veremos a very qué pasa. De momento a seguir disfrutando de un muy buen evento donde el *networking* sigue siendo la estrella del show.

    ¡Un saludo y nos vemos pronto!

  6. Hi Jeremy, thanks a bunch for dropping by and for the hat-tip! I must admit that that was also one of the first must-do-things that I came up with when I knew I was coming over here. When everyone keeps telling you to check out the Gellert Hotel and get one of those massages it must have been for something, so I am not planning on leaving Budapest without trying it out. And I will probably get to do it after the conference event finishes. I guess it will be the perfect way of finishing off a superb week we have been having thus far. (Shame about the Internet connection, but I guess you cannot have everything…)

    Thanks again for the feedback!

  7. I’ve had pretty good experience with Blackberry’s when I travel and need internet. It isn’t fast, but normally it is pretty reliable. I don’t know how well it would work in Budabest.

  8. Hi Mark! Thanks a lot for dropping by and for the hat-tip! I must say that while I have been over here this whole week I have actually been thinking very much about such devices like Blackberry. And not just because of the handy Internet connection to check out e-mail and whatever else, but more than anything else because I have been facing a number of situations where I certainly needed to have some additional “advice” or tips on getting around and check out different places and, certainly, having devices like a BB would become very handy! Perhaps it is now time to add it on to my wish list for the not so distant future… Either way, appreciated the tip and the information! Thanks for the feedback!

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