(Migrated weblog post from LSR)
Not long ago I shared a superb weblog post from Quick Online Tips about Absolutely Del.icio.us – Complete Tool Collection and I found it so interesting that I have been browsing around and subscribed to their feed already for a couple of days. They have got tons of great stuff that would be of general interest for most folks keen on learning some more about Technology stuff and so forth.
But there was one other particular weblog post that I found quite entertaining, since it is going to give me something to play with this weekend and it is this one: The Great Flickr Tools Collection. Indeed, a weblog post that covers all the different tools available for one of my favourite web offerings out there: Flickr. And wow ! Are there lots of tools and options out there or what ? If you check it out you will find some of the most popular Flickr tools already available like the ‘Send to Flickr’ Bookmarklet, the Flickr Organizr or the “Send To Flickr” Windows XP Explorer Wizard.
All of those and a whole bunch more are official tools from Flickr. However, the interesting part of the weblog post is the following section since it just lists a number of different tools created by Flickr users as opposed to the official tools. So that is where you will find Flidget (That I am currently using with Konfabulator), Geobloggers (I may weblog about it some time in the near future), a FireFox extension (Flickrfox), the Flickr badge plugin for WordPress (Although it is not currently used in Blogsome) and the list goes on and on and on.
I cannot wait for the weekend to get started, really. Having been a Flick fan all along I just cannot help thinking that this weekend I will be spending some time going through each of the different tools and see which ones I would want to keep and work further with them. Once I am done with that filtering of these tools I may be sharing how it all went and what my experience has been so far. So stay tuned for some more ! But for the time being go and check out The Great Flickr Tools Collection as I am sure there will be something for you out there.
Have a good one !
Oh, before I finish the weblog post… Did you get a chance to look into some of the pictures I have been sharing in my Flickr account this week? I hope you did because otherwise you may have been missing pictures like these three:

Of my favourite of the week: