(Migrated weblog post from LSR)
I normally don’t do this, I mean cross posting a weblog post from one of my weblogs to the other but I thought that the topic around this particular post would be worth while enough to comment on in both of my weblogs. And certainly, this one is going to be fun, folks, for sure, to say the least, and I am sure it will provoke some controversy apart from giving a good reason for those who might not be brave enough to make the jump into weblogging just yet.
Last week a good friend of mine, who is consciously not weblogging as much as he could do, sent over to me the following weblog post: Blogging 101 – You Don’t Need a Blog. And, goodness!, did I enjoy that post or what ? I mentioned this in the past and it looks like I wasn’t too far off from being almost accurate. Not everybody will be keen on weblogging, nor apt to do it in a way that can trigger enough attention to keep it going and so forth. However, in this case Matt Wood is providing a whole lot of reasons why people may think about it twice whenever they would want to get started with creating and maintaining a weblog.
The main item I took from reading that post was that basically weblogging is all about commitment, your commitment towards the people you want to keep informed and how you would want to do that without really caring too much if they would be commenting on your weblog posts or not. After all, like it is said in one of the comments “[…] just because someone isn’t talking to you doesn’t mean nobody’s listening.”. You gotta love that quote ! I couldn’t have agreed more with it, to be honest. Sometimes you would get a whole lot more reward from the people who are reading your weblog than from those who are commenting on it. That is the silent mass of lurkers who, whether we like it or not, are the main ones who keep a weblogger running. Everything else is just circumstantial and a nice add-on.
So if you find out that you want to keep a weblog going but do not get to receive plenty of comments that is no problem. Those will come, some day. Not to worry. The important thing is that you are committed to your readers, silent and non-silent; you are committed to your weblog and sharing what you think is most important to you and to the ones who you know do care.
So are you up to the challenge ? Will you keep weblogging ? … I will.