Social Computing Guidelines and Why You Would Still Need Them

A few weeks back I wrote about the first of the 5 pillars I keep using with clients, time and time again, whenever they are embarking on the so-called Digital Transformation journey. Back in that blog entry I mentioned how having the right purpose is the main trigger to get things going. From there onwards it all … Continue reading Social Computing Guidelines and Why You Would Still Need Them

How Fun and Creativity Can Shape Your Own Social Computing Guidelines and Policy

One of the main issues large corporations and small businesses have been having all along, when trying to go through that business transformation towards becoming a Social Enterprise, has always been the lack of an effective governance model and eventually decide to go for the easy way out: blocking social networking sites at work, hoping … Continue reading How Fun and Creativity Can Shape Your Own Social Computing Guidelines and Policy

IBM’s Trip to Become A Socially Integrated Enterprise

Over the last couple of weeks there have been a number of rather interesting and insightful blog posts that have been covering IBM’s journey to become a social business. A journey that started back in 2001, but that it had its main roots well substantiated within the company for much longer. Interestingly enough, when everyone … Continue reading IBM’s Trip to Become A Socially Integrated Enterprise

IBM’s 6h iForum – Joint Innovation with Clients by Tony Morgan

While I am waiting for clearance on whether I would be able to blog the first keynote session we had from IBM’s 6th iForum – Capitalising on Innovation, held last week in Zürich, or not, I thought I would go ahead and share with you the presentation from the next session that came up afterwards. … Continue reading IBM’s 6h iForum – Joint Innovation with Clients by Tony Morgan