The Social Enterprise – Welcome to the Era of Intrapreneurship!

There is probably very little doubt out there still about the huge potential, and impact, that Social Networking has been having within the corporate world over the last few years, to the point where a few folks have ventured into suggesting that we are witnessing the tipping point of how we are redefining the Future … Continue reading The Social Enterprise – Welcome to the Era of Intrapreneurship!

The Cultural Impact of The Future of You

Over at Harvard Business Review Dr. Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic has put together, just recently, a rather interesting and relevant article on The Future of You that clearly highlights three rather intriguing career suggestions for knowledge workers out there for the new year to carry out, if they would want to raise their visibility, demonstrate their subject matter expertise and build … Continue reading The Cultural Impact of The Future of You

How Meaningful, Smarter, Freelance Work Is Redesigning the Social Enterprise

Continuing further with that series of blog posts on meaningful and smarter work and how it is helping the corporate world redesign the future of the workplace to make it much more networked, interconnected, open, egalitarian, non-hiearchical, unstructured, porous, chaotic, trustworthy, engaging, transparent, agile, dynamic, empowering and whatever else you would want to add further up (Phew!) to realise … Continue reading How Meaningful, Smarter, Freelance Work Is Redesigning the Social Enterprise

How the Social Enterprise Defines the 21st Century Workplace – Moving To The Edge

This is not the first, nor the second time, and I am sure there will be a third time, and many more!, at some point, that I have either heard or read about something that I would think would make pretty upset all of those folks who work on the Internet or with technology in … Continue reading How the Social Enterprise Defines the 21st Century Workplace – Moving To The Edge