Redefine the Workplace of the Future with Social Learning

6 thoughts on “Redefine the Workplace of the Future with Social Learning”

  1. Hey Luis,

    Good post, passionate discours as always 🙂

    As a remark, why limit yourself to the confines of the workplace? I’d argue for Social Learning with your customers as well, which I wrote about this a couple of years ago, so as to get the benefit of more informed input from your customers and better understand the needs they are aim to meet at the same time.

    I think it is about time we break down the boundaries we have built between the enterprise and its clients for those who wish to engage! Social learning is a strategy to do so imho.


    1. Hiya, Mark! Whoaahhh!! Fascinating! Thanks much for making such a wonderful connection into the whole concept of co-creation with customers as a powerful learning experience of understanding each other’s needs and wanting to help one another through that learning activity. Fantastic!! I surely agree with you that’s probably one of the most empowering options out there to help break and tear down firewalls and allow knowledge workers learn from their customers on how to do their jobs better and how customers themselves can learn how to innovate together through open collaboration and knowledge sharing! Brilliant insight, indeed!

      And I surely love that blog post you put together that three years later it’s still as relevant as it was before!! Thanks much, my friend, for leading the way towards the final frontier: be where our customers are already waiting us to be! Wonderful! 🙂

  2. Thanks for your kind words, Luis. You made the day for the Internet Time Alliance.

    Clark and I just returned from the IBM Social Business Roadshow at the baseball stadium in San Francisco. An IBM Social Business Evangelist, Louis Richardson, gave a talk on Developing and Maintaining a Creative Culture. About half way through, he popped your profile on screen and said “Here’s an example of a very creative guy.” He described your no-email saga.

    Small world!

    1. Hi Jay! You are most welcome! Whoaaahhh!! Look at that! Very small world, indeed! Louis is surely one really smart cookie himself! Talking about creativity!! You should go and check out some of the work he has done and shared over at Slideshare () and also catch up with him over at @inter_vivos on Twitter. He does some pretty good job in delivering rock solid messages on the role of social business to transform organisations and is also a big fan of the “A World Without Email” meme … I trained him well ;-)) No, seriously, he’s one of the folks who is living it, too, helping the rest of the organisation, teams, networks and communities come on board!

      Glad you had a chance to meet him up! And really jealous that he got to meet you folks F2F before I did!! Grrr One of these days!!

  3. One thing I wanted to add to your excellent post is that there’s also the flipside of the coin – once you’ve learned something new (esp in an informal context), you are also able to teach others (again in an informal context, not as a real teacher). So, learn>teach>learn, a self-reinforcing circle that pushes everyone up the learning curve much faster. Here’s a chart I had drawn to illustrate this circle:

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