The Future of Work Is Learning

14 thoughts on “The Future of Work Is Learning”

  1. Thanks for the kind words and the link. This was my favorite too. It gives you a calming and inspiring view of the future of work in 2 minutes. You need a dream in order to visualize where you want to go. It sounds like you’re already well on your way.

    1. Hi Dennis! Thanks a lot for dropping and for the kind feedback! I am surely glad I bumped into your blog post and later on in Google Plus! Looks like I have been missing lots of great materials and really good thought leadership on realising such dream, so glad I bumped into it via via and eventually could add it into this blog entry!

      Sometimes that’s typically what it takes… An opportunity to connect and make things happen! Appreciated again putting together such wonderful posts and look forward to plenty more interactions! 🙂

  2. Sounds like the future of work is life. Unfortunately, I and many others have gotten into a role that we do well, but don’t necessarily enjoy. So, retirement looks pretty good. Maybe retirement is when we take the time to find what we love and continue earning for the fun of it. But right now, I think it is a rare person that has a job they love and would keep on doing regardless of financial circumstance.

    1. Hi Paul! Thanks a lot for dropping by and for the feedback comments! You bring up a very good point, indeed, and I couldn’t have agreed more with you about your statement on “The future of work is life!”. Absolutely! That’s why perhaps a bunch of fellow colleagues I know, who have now retired from IBM, have been claiming moving on to greener pastures with that same mantra, i.e. having tons of “new” time and plenty of meaningful activities and work to get involved outside of what they have been doing for a long while. I guess getting used to routines and a certain level of comfort would help you get used to such circumstances. I will let you know when I reach that stage 😉

      What I do think is that even then there should always been an inner urge to want to improve things, both for you and around you, there needs to be a motivation of a certain degree there, right? Otherwise, I refuse to think that two thirds of our lives are just lived that way… Not my kind of thing, I am afraid, and from what I know you, I don’t see you fitting within that profile either! 😀 hehe

  3. Exceptional, Luis.

    I agree completely. Forget work/life balance. The future demands work-life-parallel. McCann is spot-on. Doing something you love for a living, why would anyone ever want to retire? At most, the labor component simply scales back as we find ourselves – hopefully – more selective in our daily efforts.

    Thank you for sharing this, Luis. Made my day.

    1. Hi Brian! Thanks much for dropping by as well and for the kind comments! Absolutely! That’s why a few years back I switched myself from Work Life Balance to Work Life Integration… Work hard, or the hardest when you (really) need to, but also understand how to unwind, relax and charge the batteries when it’s a good time. It’s all about going back to what I have blogged about in the past on measuring performance by results delivered (Regardless of the hours it took you to complete that work), and not by the sheer presence, where you may not even be working after all!

      That’s the kind of work life integration I am talking about and with it traditional concepts like retirement take a different spin altogether! Should be blogging more about it shortly, too! 🙂

  4. Pingback: The Future of Work
  5. I love the idea and agree that we will see a big shift in this direction soon. But when specialists are quickly shifting from company to company will we start shifting back to a big business mentality? Someone has to be around to employ all of these ‘Shifting Specialists.’ Rather than people moving from company to company, I believe the change will be an increased freedom to move from job to job within ONE company. The strongest companies are realizing that their largest asset is the knowledge created by employees. Those companies will find ways to maximize knowledge sharing and growth while allowing employees to freely shift into positions that allow for the greatest value to be created.

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