Nancy White and Suzy – An Intro to Twitter

Over the last few days, perhaps last couple of weeks, I have been having, once again, that ongoing love / hate relationship with Twitter, inclining itself a little bit more on the hate side of things this time around. Unfortunately. Specially, with #newtwitter, seeing how the overall user experience has deteriorated quite a bit over the … Continue reading Nancy White and Suzy – An Intro to Twitter

The Art of Collaborating Effectively in Virtual Teams

A few days back, over at GigaOm‘s WebWorkerDaily, Aliza Sherman shared a very interesting piece under a rather suggestive title: “5 Reasons Why Virtual Teams Fail“, where she pretty much nailed it on some of the various different issues that virtual teams face on a regular basis when confronted with that good old concept of … Continue reading The Art of Collaborating Effectively in Virtual Teams