Why Is Knowledge Sharing Important? A Matter of Survival

6 thoughts on “Why Is Knowledge Sharing Important? A Matter of Survival”

  1. Pingback: IntranetLounge
  2. Great link, Luis. One interesting challenge is how you manage collaboration. Some collaboration you can manage, some you can encourage — and some occurs spontaneously.

  3. The concepts that he speaks of are actually ingrained in Agile software development, so this all sounded very familiar and support the lessons that we have learned through it. The stand-up procedure that he refers to is something that is something that we do daily and the sharing is definitely vital to our work. We also do a weekly retrospective where we go over the good, bad and things that need to change as a group, which lead to revelations that others in our team have had as well as deciding on other ways that we need to build our knowledge base whether that be through a class, conference or something as simple as a lunch n learn on the subject.

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