The Future of Social Media

2 thoughts on “The Future of Social Media”

  1. Hi, Luis:

    Thanks for your thoughtful and detailed comments. I’ve long been interested in the topic of KM because its goals are so worthwhile but its success as a software application category has been spotty. I think the problem has been getting people to capture and share knowledge. Social media is an important evolutionary stage in solving that problem. For the first time, people are sharing knowledge because they want to and not because their boss is telling them to. I think that’s a giant step forward. Blogs are really the best KM tool ever invented. I think as more corporations realize that, they will drop their arguments about ROI and realize that the value of capturing knowledge should be cost justified.


  2. Hi Paul !

    Thanks a lot for dropping by, for the feedback comments and welcome!

    Social media is an important evolutionary stage in solving that problem. For the first time, people are sharing knowledge because they want to and not because their boss is telling them to

    I just couldn’t have agreed more with you in that particular statement. In fact, I feel that this willingness from knowledge workers to want to share their best know-how is something that was not coming out so strong as it is with all this social software, because even if they would be really tied up with other related tasks they always find the time to share what they feel is worth while sharing and which other coworkers could benefit from. And that is something that wasn’t happening before.

    Actually, I think that thanks to that willingness to share regardless is indeed what will drop those arguments about ROI because for the first time knowledge sharing and collaboration will be considered an integral part of the business, i.e. BAU, which is what most of us have been waiting and advocating for all along.

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